Sunday, November 2, 2008

What can I say, our lives have truly been blessed with the gift of our little Tessa. Here is my darling three year old Tessa waiting for the bus. She goes to Pre School and absolutely loves it. Her teacher says she is the light of her class. She is such a sweet heart. She is doing really well and communicates mostly thru sign. She can sign almost anything, and if she can't she is very persistent in getting you to understand what she wants. She loves her daddy and rides on the ranger. We enjoy everyday with our Tessa.


Meka said...

She is so beautiful all your kids are, I wish we could have gotten together more when I lived out there, come visit us in Vegas!

Carismin said...

I love your blog! I almost choked on my pepsi this morning when I checked it out because we both have the same background!!! Out of all the thousands to choose from! I guess we both just have awesome taste! Heres to being sisters!! Yeahoo! This is an awesome picture of Tessa and if you don't mind I am gonna put it up on my fridge! We love you and can't wait for Thanksgiving! Get your Halloween pictures up already would ya!

Toni said...

These are the cutes pictures ever. I love these blogs. I can keep up with all the growing kids. Love all the kids pictures. Love Toni

Mandi said...

Tessa is such a sweetie, Parker might disagree, but I am sure he will get over it. hee hee... I put it in the other comment, but I am adding you to my blog..

Tami said...

Hey Korindi I found your blog on Audrey's, it's the first time I've seen your little guy, he's a cutie! Now you need to get Shay started blogging!! my address is if you want to take a peek.

Tiff said...

Hey girl, I wished we lived closer to each other. I love reading about your family and seeing pictures. It makes it seem like I'm not so far away! I love this picture of Tessa, first day of school!

Annie Leavitt said...

korindi! i can't believe how old all your kids are getting. wow, tessa is the cutest preschooler ever, just look at that excitement!
sounds like things are going well with you and your new little boy. congratulations on everything : )